Lovely Amsterdam

好物 好酒 - 永遠的鬱金香

Rijksmuseum, Floral Still Life, Hans Bollongier, 1639

Rijksmuseum, Floral Still Life, Hans Bollongier, 1639

荷蘭製造 永遠的鬱金香

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至今荷蘭人對鬱金香的熱情只增不減,用各式型態美讚國花。每年一月的鬱金香節 National Tulip Day,20萬株彩色鬱金香鋪滿阿姆斯特丹的水壩廣場,讓民眾替花季揭開序幕。從花開到花謝平均7~10天,有時天氣一暖只剩3~5天,為了能天天欣賞到鬱金香風采,荷蘭人早已把日常生活加入鬱金香元素。像是以鬱金香為造型的餐具,桌椅,腳踏車,食衣住行只要能想到的,就能找到鬱金香蹤影。

For over 400 years, the Dutch have been obsessed with tulips. In the 17th century, “Tulip Mania” gripped Holland and the price of exotic bulbs on the futures market shot up to 1,000 guilders. Extremely rare varieties could fetch well over 3,000 guilders. In comparison, a skilled craftworker at the time earned about 250 guilders a year.

Today, the Dutch are still crazy about tulips. On the National Tulips Day, which takes place every January, 200,000 tulips cover the Dam Square in Amsterdam. Tulips bloom for just 7 to 10 days (or 3 to 5 days if the weather is warm); however the tulip influence is year-round thanks to the cultural creative industry, which parts tulip designs on everything from tableware to furniture and bicycles.

照片來源:Rijksmuseum Shop



生長在鬱金香花田世家的 Joris Putman,期許自己能將家族傳統加入新創意。四年前開始嘗試使用鬱金香球莖製做伏特加酒,經過不斷精進蒸餾和發酵工藝,於是世界第一瓶『鬱金香伏特加酒』在2017年問世。

Putman 說『鬱金香球莖的結構非常獨特,所以在蒸餾過程需要特別花心思。最初試驗出的口味並不是最佳,卻耐人尋味。對每個生產細節要求極高的精確度,讓我能捕捉及儲存到鬱金香每一道香味。最終得到最純淨的伏特加酒,融合著鬱金香原味。』


Joris Putman hails from a long line of Dutch tulip farmers. Four years ago, he began looking for a way to bottle the taste of tulips. After much experimentation to refine the fermentation and distillation procedure, Putman created the world’s first tulip vodka in 2017. Made entirely in the Netherlands from organic bulbs, each bottle of “Clusius Dutch Tulip Vodka PURE” is made from 350 tulip bulbs. Wonderfully fragrant, the vodka has become a favorite among connoisseurs and is stocked in Michelin-starred restaurant worldwide.





照片來源:Clusius Craft Distillers


參考售價:PURE 395 歐元,Premium blend 48歐元